If you remember the image of a shepherd, a beautiful view of the mountains pops up, a herd of sheep grazing nearby. The shepherd wears a long sheepskin vest or coat to keep warm on a frosty morning until the sun peeks through the mountains. Knitted Shepherd fur coat is going to be probably the warmest project that you have ever made so far, regardless of the yarn you picked. You will be able to wear it outside as outerwear, even when no one else is wearing knitwear still. You can wear it indoors when nothing else can save you from being cold. Pockets, clasp buttons, bust darts, a half-high collar provide even more convenience and practicality. And if you move away from practical aspects – isn’t this the coolest and high-fashioned knitted thingy?
Shepherd (Eng)
Difficulty level Collection Pattern language 5 of 5 Dream Big. Winter Solstice